My favorite wedding bouquet shots of 2008…

Ok…I think I might now be an official wedding “geek” or aficiondo, not that I wasn’t before, but perhaps now I have taken that to another level.  I wanted to go through my weddings for this year and feature some of the awesome bouquets and flowers that I have seen.  When I started this last week with the wedding ring selections to share I thought this would be an easy little project and would be something that I could do in a few minutes.  Then it became very clear that I have very particular tastes when it comes to certain aspects of weddings.  The rings are one and the flowers are the other.  Put it this way…I know what I like.  The scary part for me is that if you would have told me five years ago that I would be talking about how much I appreciate the florists that I have worked with this year I would have probably thought you were crazy.  I know how important it is for me when I go to shoot a wedding, so when people look at these pictures and compliment them I want for everybody to know that these are a group project.  My work getting the shots is only half of the final product that you see.  The other half was the work that nobody sees behind the scenes.  So I am very appreciative of the people that have a hand in the different aspects of the wedding day.  So I send out a heartfelt THANK YOU. :) 

Now on another note…these are in no particular order.  So I am sorry that if your ring was #1 or #3 that it wasn’t in my favorite list in that order.  It was hard enough leaving out some of the shots that I would have loved to include, so I am not ready to have a count down to #1 sort of thing. :)   Maybe next year…


















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